Grow Your Business

In Three Steps

  • Collaborate

    Collaborate with Experienced or
    Industry Senior Mentors

  • Evaluate & Plan

    Define Goals and objective
    to Identify Roadmap

  • Implement & Grow

    Execute Action Plan, Evaluate
    Impact and Improvise

  • 70 Sectors
  • 40 MSMEs
  • 70 Mentors


Mentor Board helps bridge the gap between right business setup and experienced mentor

Companies can find right mentors for business growth

Mentors can find right company for personal growth

The collaboration can help create instant industry connect

Collaboration system and tools helps work remotely

Mentors and Companies can set-off cost benefits for each other

Both parties can collaborate on short or long term projects

Companies can benefit by working with multiple mentors

Mentors can benefit by working with multiple companies

This arrangement creates a win-win situation for all

How it works?

A simple system to attain marvellous results


Register For Free

Companies and Mentors (Virtual Director)
creates their detailed profiles for each other to
evalaute well.


Companies Create Positions

Companies create positions to invite right
Mentors, when appointed becomes their
Virtual Board of Directors.


Virtual Board is Formed

Once the Virtual Board is Formed, Company
Team and Mentors can exchange information
to evaluate growth potential.


Business Performance Audit

Using several predefined or custom templates,
the Mentor evaluates the business for short
comings including grievances.


Growth Strategy & Action Plan

The Virtual Director(s) or Mentor(s) creates a
detailed strategic growth plan based on
industry or personal experiece.


Collaborate and Grow

Once agreed the Company Team & Mentor(s)
jam to execute the action plan, evaluate,
improvise & ensures company’s growth.

Collaboration Tools

Comprehensive, Easy to use & Intuitive Collaboration & Work Management Tools for the Entire Team in One Place



Organize your work into
shared projects as lists for
your initiatives, meetings,
and programs.


Break the project work into
manageable pieces for
you and your team to


Break up a task into
smaller parts, or show
additional steps to
complete an overall task

Task Owner

Give tasks a clear owner,
so everyone knows
who’s responsible for
those specific tasks.


Specify the date and time
something is due so
everyone’s working to
meet the deadline.


Task dependencies make
it clear which tasks are
ready to start, and which
tasks are waiting.


Add files from your
computer, Dropbox, Box, or
Google Drive to any task
or conversation.


Plan your sales budget
including manufacturing,
operations & marketing

Featured Companies

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